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The game takes place on the night of December 28, 1979 at Hotel Dusk, a rundown motel outside of Los Angeles. Kyle Hyde, a former N.Y.P.D. detective, is working as a salesman for a company called Red Crown. He arrives at the hotel in search of his former partner, Brian Bradley, and checks in to Room 215, a room rumored to grant wishes. Hyde soon finds that the hotel has many mysteries as well as connections to his past, and begins to look into these further.
The player, as Kyle Hyde, interacts with the environment using the DS' touch screen. Gameplay involves navigating the hotel, having conversations with hotel staff and patrons, and solving puzzles using the handheld's various features including the touch screen, microphone, and clamshell cover. The game is played with the DS rotated 90 degrees, held like a book.
Most chapters end with an interrogation of a major character, as a form of boss fight. The player may ask questions about items that Kyle has collected, or topics which have been brought to his attention. By asking the right questions, Kyle will uncover the information he needs. If he asks the wrong question, makes a wrong assumption, behaves rudely, gets caught with contraband, or is caught in a restricted area, he may confuse, frighten or anger the person, indicated by a darkening of the character in question. This may result in a game over, which usually involves the hotel manager expelling him from the premises, or a crucial character refusing to cooperate, preventing him from ever solving the mystery.