FlyKnight: A RuneScape Inspired First Person Action Game

Topic of Discussion
FlyKnight Steam page header containing an anthropomorphized fly in a suit of armor wielding a sword
Game Description
Developer: Wabbadev Platform: PC (Steam) Release: January 31, 2025 Genre: Action

FlyKnight is a first person action game, developed by Wabbaboy. You control you own custom Fly Knight and adventure through different dungeons by yourself or with a group of friends.

What stood out for me when I first saw it was the aesthetics that were mimicking the graphics style of RuneScape, where Wabbadev went into detail about how he developed the graphics in a blog-post on his site. Additionally, the game-play features a heavy emphasis on understanding the kinesthetic on how the player character attacks with different weapon swings. Similar to games like Chivalry, you attacks have more weight to them and you'll attack faster or slower depending on how heavy the weapon is to wield. 

The game is currently out on steam and currently is set to the price of $6 as of writing this review.


If you want to check out if the game is still available for purchase, I've created a Can you own it? page with details about where you can purchase the game.

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